A Little + Often = A LOT


Breathing is our Lifeline to Life and Consciousness! The more we bring attention to our breath, the more fully we can be our authentic selves by shedding outdated conditioning, releasing trauma and tension to unearth our deepest beauty as human beings.


Our body is our tangible connection to all living things. Long before our brain grew large enough to evolve the mind we currently have, our bodies were experiencing, processing, integrating, storing, synthesizing and learning from everything they encounter. When we move we’re connecting to older, deeper, more authentic currents of human existence, not merely the surface waves our mind calls thoughts, feelings and emotions.


Remember the time you were so relaxed it felt like nothing could throw you off balance or mess with your flow? That’s you being Completely RELAXED and Fully AWARE. That’s what we’re cultivating, a state of Relaxed Awareness where you’re in the midst of everything without being attached to anything.


We need to “double down” on having more fun!

If the Pandemic and recent global events have taught us anything it’s that life is increasingly uncertain and dedicating our lives to the service of uncaring corporate behemoths is soul-crushing.

Remember, We’re Here For a Good Time, Not For a Long TIme!


Thousands of years before industrialized, for-profit medicine, people were healing body, mind and spirit with nature’s medicine - plants. When offered by true practitioners and received by thoughtful people who wish to expand the limited boundaries of human conditioning plant medicines are nature’s modality of illuminating and supporting health, wellbeing and wisdom.

Together we create a program that combines some or all of these elements in varying doses to re-fashion old programming and conditioning of fear, anxiety and emotion-based demands to a concentrated sense of wellbeing and lack of attachment to the outer circumstances of security power, sensation addictions. [Addiction = An Emotion-Based Demand]

AND…Every Person’s Recipe is Constantly Evolving

Let's Work Together


Let's Work Together 〰️


You know you need this, but you’re schedule’s chaotic, you’re cautious. Whatever it might be, that’s cool. This works & once you taste the feeling of being awake, alive & free, nothing can stop you from your highest purpose and feeling great in your body!


You’re ready to make a deep & lasting commitment to change NOW. This is a mind, body, spirit altering experience that decisively shifts breathing, movement and mindset to conscious relaxation + awareness.

One-on-One Options

If you’re ready to over-writing your legacy programming and begin Living Your Whole Life Now, then consider these completely personalized coaching options.

Schedule a 20-minute call to explore your needs and how we can chart a course to your liberation, NOWer than later.


This is your conscious commitment to being fully alive and present by over-writing the busy-minded programming you’ve been force-fed and reminding our bodies of its innate intelligence and balance.