100+ Stress & Anxiety Busters
Hey Friends,
I feel anxious A LOT. I’ve experienced anxiety, in some fashion, as long as I can remember. In those decades I’ve used ALL of these techniques to dial down the din in my head. I hope you’ll find quite a few in here to slake your stress.
MOVE. Movement is Medicine regardless of the duration, so stop and get it! Sudden bouts of activity, like pushups, squats, jumping jacks, burpees, planks or anything that’s focused and physical.
Do something with your hands. Pop some bubble wrap, squeeze a ball, put your hand in a bag of rice and wiggle your fingers. Make something up and focus on the feelings you notice.
Give yourself a massage. It’s as simple as rubbing the web between your thumb and index finger with the opposite hand. Do both hands!
Point your brain at a problem. Think about a problem or task you want or need to sort out. Jot down the steps you think you need to complete it.
Dance. Let’s face it, most of us aren’t great dancers, but who cares. Shake it anyway and feel better.
Take a bath. Raising your body temperature helps your body exhale and allow itself to relax.
Bake something. It’s easy to immerse yourself in making something tasty. Fire up the oven to 375, read the directions and bake those brownies!
Stretch Yourself. It doesn’t matter if you’re “flexible,” move something for a few moments and then move something else in a different direction. It doesn’t have to be deep or long. Allow yourself to feel your body and connect your breath to the movement.
Breathe Consciously for 3 minutes. Sit or lay down comfortably. Relax your abs and shoulders. Inhale to a count of 4 and exhale slowly through your nose [if it’s working] to a count of 6. Follow the feeling of your breath in/out through your nose and notice the feelings in your whole body as the air flows through you. Gradually move your awareness to include your rib cage and belly. Slow breathing calms your nervous and cardiovascular systems. It also improves mood, attentiveness and reduces the stress hormone cortisol.
Have sex. Breathe heavily and work it out.
Go on a cleaning binge. This might not be everyone’s jam, but this is just like exercise, it’s physical and refocusing AND you have a sense of accomplishment. You might even drop into your Flow State.
Do Progressive Muscle Relaxation [PMR]. Inhale, Exhale, Squeeze, count to 10, release. Inhale. Move upward.
Doodle. You don’t have to be good, just let your pencil, pen, crayon go to town.
Get lost in a story. There’s gotta be a book you’ve been waiting for the right moment to dive into. Disappear there for a while.
Begin the day with a sensory exercise. Soon after you awaken in the morning focus on the most prominent feeling you notice. It could be the texture of your comforter, the light streaming through the window, the pillow beneath your head or it could be the feeling of the floor beneath your feet. Spending a couple minutes directing your attention to what your body is experiencing settles your heart rate and connects your body to ground.
Focus on something tactile. Pick up your keys, a glass, a stone, a leaf, your cat. Close your eyes and notice how it feels. Our cat appreciates this one.
Make a cup of tea. Briefly immerse yourself into the process of creating a cup of tea. Focus on every step and then breathe in the tea’s aroma and drift off with it.
Drink a glass of water. Dehydration causes stress hormone levels to rise, so drinking water is both nourishing and calming. That’s a nice habit stack.
Switch up your environment. Sitting in the same place for hours is soul sucking and stiffens your body. Changing your venue is a sure way to break up pervasive thought patterns and stay mobile.
Think about your wins. A sure way to pump the brakes on a wild mind is to ponder your successes.
Take a lap around your home or office. Move your body. Open your mind’s eye and notice something different.
Listen to a feel good song or put on a completely random playlist. Music can be both distracting and therapeutic.
Try Chair Yoga. You really don’t even need to know anything about yoga asana to turn the chair into a stretching, dancing, breathing platform. Go for it.
Smell something you like. Smell is our oldest sense and aromas are proven mood and mind shifting elements.
Put your head between your knees.
Light a scented candle. More good smells.
Water your plants. The color green is calming to our nervous system.
Sigh, a few times.
Text a friend how much you appreciate them.
Get some fresh air / Go for a walk.
Love up an animal. Cuddling an animal is a sure way to redirect your attention and get those happy hormones flowing through your system.
Practice a five senses exercise.
Think about a “happy place.”
Use a foam roller to release tension [and distract yourself with the pain].
Turn your daily skincare into a self-care routine.
Give yourself a face massage [everyday].
Give yourself an eyebrow massage. The muscles beneath your eyes get very tight. You’ll be pleasantly surprised with this one.
Write out your to-do list.
Read the article you’ve had open for days.
Do a body scan meditation.
Focus on a hobby.
Create a book list.
Get some Sunlight.
Draw, Doodle, Color.
Paint by Numbers.
Write in a journal.
Plan a weekend getaway.
Move to get your heart rate up.
Call a friend for a long due catch up.
Listen to a podcast.
Find a new recipe.
Crossword puzzle.
Jigsaw Puzzle.
DIY Craft.
Take a nap.
Paint your nails.
Water and clean your plants.
Take a long, hot shower.
Clean out your email inbox.
Take a Wonder Walk and ask yourself, “What haven’t I seen?”
Talk to an online a therapist.
Soak your feet.
Try a sound bath on Spotify or your fave music service.
Meet a friend for coffee/tea.
Curl up with a book you’re interested in reading.
Or listen to an audiobook.
Tidy up your sleeping space.
Play a game.
Play an instrument.
Watch people [and notice what you have in common].
Cuddle an animal.
Eat slowly.
Swing on a swing.
Speak affirmations.
Practice visualization. Imagine yourself in a favorite place.
Look thru your photos.
Look at the moon and stars.
Write your feelings.
Rub your temples in small circles.
Stretch your body focusing on the neck, shoulders and legs.
Hum a tune. Humming activates the Vagus Nerve which regulates your nervous system and helps you relax.
Light a candle and gaze at the flame for a few minutes.
Fill a wine glass with water and see if you can make a soothing tone by rubbing your wet finger across the rim.
Write three small things you’re still grateful for.
Call a person who makes you laugh.
Listen to the sounds of nature.
Tell someone you love them.
Watch the sunrise / sunset.
Take a cold or hot shower.
Play a board game.
Go for a swim.
Do deep diaphragmatic/chest breathing.
Write your worries and take a few moments to reflect before you crumple the paper and toss it away.
Watch your favorite childhood cartoons.
Listen to a teacher you love.
Wake up early.
Take a long drive.
Learn to play an instrument.
Put your hand on a tree and think about what the tree has “seen” in its life.
Drop the resentments [Oof, multi-stage project!].
Sit around a campfire.
Try some simple gardening activities.
Go to the beach.
Try self-hypnosis.
Listen to relaxing binaural beats.
Listen to OM sounds or Tibetan singing bowls on your mobile phone.
Gaze at your fish tank or go to YouTube for coral reef videos.
Listen to birds.
Rearrange your space.
Donate some clothes.
Go to a meet up.
Take a bike ride.
Walk barefoot.
Lay in a hammock.
Try stress balls or a spinner.
Go to see live music. Seeing, hearing and feeling music creates lots of happy hormones and you might just sing and dance while you’re there. More habit stacking!
Watch standup comedy. This is one of our favorite activities. Laughter is Medicine. Get some!
Watch Ebru painting on YouTube.
Scratch your head.
Walk a labyrinth.
Play with Play-Doh, modeling clay or Legos.
Feel the breeze on your skin.
Smell the breeze.